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BC Building Code - Step 3

The BC Energy Step Code is a provincial standard that provides an incremental and consistent approach to achieving more energy-efficient buildings. It provides a common pathway that local governments may use to ensure British Columbia delivers on its goal of net-zero energy-ready performance by 2032. ​


You can learn more about the province of BC and these Step Codes here.

Sunshine Coast, BC, customers can look at these links to see how the rules pertain to their project:

Please remember to check with your local authority to ensure your Click Home meets all the compliance requirements as determined by your municipality.

The Step 3 Upgrade

The key components that make up the Step 3 Upgrade package are:

  1. An upgraded window package throughout the home to a lower LoE (low emissivity) coating of 1.19 USI for fixed windows and 1.36 USI for sliding windows that will meet the required Step 3 energy standard.

  2. HRV/ERV duct work and venting that your energy contractor will use to connect the compliant energy recovery system you have selected to the home This is for the interior ducting and venting only and does not include the cost of the HRV or ERV unit itself or the contractor's installation fees.

  3. Enhanced Envelope Compliance: Click Homes are already built to a higher standard than most site-constructed homes, but to further ensure our energy capture and recovery consistently meets or exceeds the Step 3 requirements.


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